Research Paper On The Creation Of Frankenstein

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The Creation of Monsters Everyone loves the story of the stereotypical monster. Thunder booms and lighting strikes as they enter the room. Their horrifying features are feared across the land. They have no sense of right and wrong, and are evil to the core. They spend their lives searching and waiting for opportunities to wreak havoc for no other purpose than for their own benefit. While these stories are possible and entertaining, in most cases, the monster is not born bad, but instead influenced and changed to become this way. In other words, a person or creature that performs monstrous acts or possesses monstrous traits is not always born bad, but is instead affected and changed by the negative aspects of their lives. The idea that monsters …show more content…

Every day, normal people perform horrific acts, but not everyone is born bad. In the case of child abuse, the violence cycle is very relevant. It has been found that “among adults who were abused as children, between one-fifth and one-third abuse their own children” (Widom 160). This cycle of violence affects many people around the world. When a child is born, they are completely innocent from the realities of the world. In the good cases, they are brought up lovingly and are exposed to these realities in the correct way, In the case of child abuse, they are exposed to violence at such a young age that it alters their development and understanding of what is right and what is wrong. This leads to these children having, “a higher likelihood of arrests for delinquency, adult criminality, and violent criminal behavior than the matched controls” (Widom 162). While it was never in the child’s nature to perform violent acts, the fact that they were exposed to them through their developmental years has been proven to be detrimental in their long term decisions. A majority of the people today who perform monstrous acts, do not do so because it is in their nature, but instead because they are reciprocating the violence that was enacted upon …show more content…

The truth is that whether in literature or in everyday life, the environment of a person and the different aspects of their lives affect them more than their nature. People are not born evil, but instead choose to be. Whether it is for revenge, or because it is all they know, the “monsters” that we know today all have their own individual reasons. This is important for people to understand, so individuals can stop violence from the start. The violence cycle is very evident in society today, but it is also something that can be broken. Addressing those violent behaviors at the cause, or by removing children from those violent situations before it can override their nature is extremely important in preventing those horrific acts. These studies have allowed researchers to better understand why terrible people do terrible things. By understanding this, they will be able to better understand how to prevent it. Overall, the violence that is seen in the world today, is caused by violence that was seen in the past, and will continue to spark violence in the future if it is not