
Research Paper On The Great Gatsby

1203 Words5 Pages

Ellie Aldrich
Ms. Thomas
Honors English 11
11 May 2023
The Alluding American Dream. The American Dream has been portrayed and glorified in literature, films, and popular culture, additionally, the American Dream has shaped American values and identification resulting in humanity dreaming of unthinkable fantasies. The American Dream dates back into history and has its origins. In literature, The Great Gatsby presents the American dream and its effects on characters. The Great Gatsby appeals to adults and teenagers, revealing the American Dream can lead to a false reality, furthermore, divulging and exposing the harsh truth of the American Dream to the American people. Other films appealing to youth show the bright side of the American Dream. …show more content…

The root of the American Dream originates in the stem of United States history. “Thus, the Pilgrim Fathers were the first ones to lay the foundation of the American dream where it is possible for anyone to start over” (Sofiane 96). The Pilgrims and Puritans were people in prehistoric times based on religious beliefs and had a dream of obtaining new land and starting a new beginning. History often repeats itself, moreover, the Pilgrims probably had bright intentions for their American Dream. People in contemporary times often take their dreams for granted, disapproving of initial ideas. In Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography, he described his journey from starting out low and rising to the top (Kloumai 147). Although never a president, Benjamin Franklin, was one of the founding fathers of the United States, furthermore, he played a courageous role in the formation of America. An exceedingly notable and influential figure, Benjamin Franklin, became a well-looked-upon figure in …show more content…

Disapproved by some and glorified by others, the American Dream has been depicted in various formats. The American Dream is history and will be the future of America, however, the connotation of the true meaning of the American Dream alters the surrounding cadence. The American Dream is seen in Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby, through the souls of the characters. In The Great Gatsby, the American Dream is seen more as wealth and gain to benefit oneself as well as an intense craving. Each character has a different American Dream. The Great Gatsby can also be viewed in a film format as well as in other films. Films generally appeal to a different audience than literature. Founding Fathers, Pilgrims, and historians portray the American Dream dated in time as a starting point for the future of America. The American Dream all started with settlers who wanted a better life for themselves and the American Dream has spread all over the

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