Piracy Theory Assignment

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Assignment 1, Research Theory Practice, November 2014 Mert Amcaoglu, Student no. w1515579 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preliminary Title: Piracy vs. Human Rights/Seafarers' Rights Topic: The piracy issues seafarers have to deal with Research Problem: Why has less attention been given to the issue of the legal protection of seafarers’ rights in cases of piracy such as the ‘right to life’ Research Question: Which Seafarers’ Rights are Violated and Affected in Cases of Piracy? Background: The crime of piracy was believed to have disappeared in modern times, contrary to this since …show more content…

Background: On December 15th 1995 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) made its first ever decision regarding a sporting case; Union Royale Belge des Sociétés v Jean-Marc Bosman (1995) , the ruling was a land-mark case in the football industry as a whole, the effects of that day in Luxembourg is still felt today and it is one of the main reasons why football has developed into the major money spinning sport it is today. Research Aim: “FIFA did not accept the judgement willingly and since have spent much of the period attempting to find ways of limiting its impact. ” The ruling made clear that no discriminations against players from inside the EU were allowed anymore. The aim during this proposed research is to look into the effects of this groundbreaking case which changed the European Law. The research will focus on both positive and negative effects it has had on the transfer system and the players; were close attention will be paid to the law surrounding the transfer of players in the EU and the ever changing …show more content…

w1515579 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Premilinary Title: Can you protect your Intellectual Property online? Reaseach Problem: The Internet is allowing consumers to gain information easily without any consent of the copyrights owner Research Question: Are the Traditional Intellectual Property Rights Unable to Effectively Respond to the Challenges Posed by the Internet? Background: Over the past twenty five years the emergence of the internet has changed the way the information has been exchanged between two parties, in a short amount of time the internet has unexpectedly turned into an powerful global communications medium , it has grown both in the amount of users and its development as a commercial network which has brought us a whole range of digital content and services. However some problems have arisen from this such as concern for protecting intellectual property rights and protecting

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