Unit 13 P2

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In session 13, the young adults will learn the basic skills on how to resolve disagreements with their friends and romantic partners that are common among young adults. The young adults are expected to do each step of how to respond and bring up disagreements so that they can effectively resolve conflict with others. In this session, the therapist will help the young adults to understand that disagreements and disputes, especially those that are occasional are common and it should not be a reason to end their relationship and friendship. Young adults will also learn that there are two types of position that they might be in in a disagreement, which is either someone is upset with them or they are upset with someone. If someone upset with them, …show more content…

Most importantly the therapist will explain the differences between direct (bullying that directly happen to targeted person) and indirect bullying (e.g. cyber bullying, rumors, etc.). Then, therapist will help the students to learn the strategies how to handle teasing, embarrassing feedback and physical bullying. In all three of these situations, the students will learn the motives on why does people tease, embarrass and attack them physically. Firstly, the students will learn strategies how to handle teasing (verbal bullying using words). There are 14 steps; do not ignore the teasing, do not just walk away to avoid getting teased more, do not ask the people right away to avoid retaliation, do not tease them back to avoid trouble, do not banter to avoid someone get upset, do not act like the bullies bothers you to make them bored, act like what they said was lame or stupid to embarrass them, give a short verbal comeback and get ready with a few of them and have to make sure the comebacks make sense (e.g. ‘Whatever!’, ‘And?’, ‘So what!’ etc.), give nonverbal comeback (e.g. rolling eyes, shrugging shoulders etc.) if it is difficult to use words in the situation, walk away after the comebacks, expect that they teasing may get worse before better, expect teasers to try again and lastly …show more content…

They will be aware that sometimes people say words that embarrass us because they want to give us important feedbacks about our behaviors that we might have to change. They will be given some examples of embarrassing feedback (about clothing, body odor, dandruff etc.) followed by how they can utilize the feedback by changing their behavior. For example, if they get negative feedback about their body odor, they might utilize this feedback by use deodorant everyday. After that, they will learn how to handle a situation where they being physically bullied. There are ten strategies on how to handle this situation; avoid the bully because the bully will not bully you if they cannot find you, plan route to avoid the bully, lay low when the bully is around to make it less likely to bully you, avoid being friends with the bully to avoid being bullied more, do not provoke, police and tease the bully to avoid retaliation and tell on the bully in private if you want to, hang out with other people to avoid being an easy target for they bully to bully you, stay near authority (e.g. professors, bosses etc.) when bully is around and lastly to make a complaint if all the strategies are not working and if feel threated and make sure that this is a last resort and only make complaint if other strategies do not

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