
Response For Night By Elie Wiesel

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The night is full of darkness, though this novel is not about that type of night, it is about the deep-down darkness felt by everyone involved in the Holocaust. This novel tells the story of a teenager who is sent to a concentration camp with his family. He and the other people with him experience starvation, diseases, and abuse. The Nazis perform so-called, “selections” where they pick who can no longer work due to these diseases and will be killed. Elie cares for his father until he dies and the camp is freed. The novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel is equivalent to the darkness felt by the author writing it, in the prisoner's souls, and going on around them.
The title “Night” could be equivalent to the darkness the author was going through while writing this novel. “Behind me, an old man fell to the ground. Near him was an SS man, putting his revolver back in his holster” (Wiesel 30). Elie Wiesel wrote his novel Night to explain his own experiences. He put some of the worst things he has come across into words. This quote is talking about how an old man was shot by an SS man during the holocaust …show more content…

“Crammed into cattle cars by the Hungarian police, they cried silently. Standing on the station platform, we were too crying. The train disappeared over the horizon; all that was left was thick, dirty smoke” (Wiesel 6). Every time the setting changes, such as going into the cattle cars, Elie and others get their freedom taken away. They are also treated more like animals and less like humans which is very brutal. In this quote, they are trying to hold in their cries as they are shoved into cattle cars. They soon leave and all that's left is smoke as they disappear from where they once were. This is important because being taken from their homes must have been horrifying. In conclusion, Night symbolizes darkness and no good in the prisoners' lives all throughout the

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