Response To Night By Elie Wiesel

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Night Response Paper Reading this memoir about the horrific genocide is very disturbing. It makes me upset that millions of innocent people are killed for literally nothing. How does Eliezer tolerate dehumanization, why didn't the Aryans help the Jews, how does Eliezer survive with small amount of food, these questions go through my mind everytime I read the memoir, Night. I’m learning a lot as I’m reading this memoir. For example, how the prisoners are dehumanized and what their life is like in concentration camps. Also, what types of dehumanization affect Eliezer. This memoir informs me a lot of about the genocide. One of the way the Nazis diminish the Jews is by making them go against each other which falls into the category of emotional dehumanization, but in my opinion it doesn’t affect Eliezer. Even if it affects other prisoners a lot, I think it doesn’t affect Eliezer. From the beginning of the memoir, Eliezer is dehumanized emotionally, but he continues to save his father. He does not turn against him and keeps supporting him until he dies. When the Frenchman and the Pole are beating Eliezer’s father, he says, “Eliezer…… Eliezer……. tell them not to beat …show more content…

I think mental dehumanization actually changes Eliezer’s life. I will never lose faith in god, it doesn’t matter what the circumstances are. I think instead of losing faith in God, Eliezer should pray even more. When Eliezer and the prisoners are ready to have a meal at the end of the Jewish year, and the prisoners say a prayer, he says, “Blessed be God’s name? Why, but why would I bless him? Every fiber in me rebelled. Because he caused thousands of children to burn in his mass graves? Because he kept six crematoria working day and night, including Sabbath and the Holy days?” (Wiesel 67). I understand it’s frustrating for Eliezer, but losing faith in God is not the solution. I realize why mental dehumanization is very effective for