
Restriction Of Student Expression In Public Schools

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According to izquotes.com, William O. Douglas once said, “Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.” The issue of student expression in schools has been a topic that has been highly discussed. Even though students do have free speech rights, school administrators still have the ability to restrict student expression to help maintain discipline and prevent the school environment from being disrupted. Student expression in schools should be restricted because of students beliefs, their clothing, and also their speech. First of all, student expression through religion should be restricted. Even though the first amendment right states that everyone in the US is allowed to practice their own religion, or …show more content…

The article “The Case Against School Prayer” implies, “Public schools exist to educate, not to proselytize.” School should be a place to learn and a place where children thrive and succeed, and should be focused on those things and helping the children understand the material. Not so much on focusing on different people’s beliefs and what they believe in. Next, “The Case Against School Prayer”, an article about school prayer states, “Our public schools are for all children, whether Catholic, Baptist, Quaker, atheist, Buddhist, Jewish, agnostic. The schools are supported by all taxpayers, and therefore should be free of religious observances and coercion.” All taxpayers, no matter the religion pay to help the schools in the country, which means that public schools are places for all different religions and should stay unbiased. Thirdly, an article entitled “How Many Seconds to a First

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