Rethink Our Prisons

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Rethink our Prisons
To find a solution to a problem we first look at what we know, what answers would make sense and furthermore what steps can we take to full fill the possible solutions. The built environment has potential to positively or negatively affect ones learning and development. As designers for the built environment we are ethically responsible to design optimal environments. We need to take steps to rethink how we look at designing prisons. With this responsibility as designers and knowledge we have obtained we must look closer at how we design prisons, why this way, and is it the right way? We need to rethink the way we design prisons. If we wish inmates to return to their community ready to contribute they cannot have living …show more content…

There are many aspects and layers in human environments so it is difficult to conduct studies on whether or not specific built environments have an impact on quality of life or development. Though this is true we can take into account what we can observe and in extreme cases of poor or optimal environments we see humans react differently. “Evidence exists of consistent differences in the behavior of children and adults observed in the laboratory and in the actual settings of life. These differences in turn illuminate the various meanings of these types of settings…” (Bronfenbrenner). Urie Bronfenbrenner writes about various effects environments, their layers and their connections have on development. So we can look at what aspects will help influence rehabilitation. I purpose that we take a look at how we design prisons to help inmates not feel isolated and effect their social skills. Negating their necessary punishment for their crimes is not the goal. Certain integrated designs in their environment may promote development and reflection. A possible proposal may incorporate community spaces with acoustics which would promote an inspirational speaker or spiritual speaker if so seen fitting. Keeping safety in mind as all times purposing different materials to be used in the building and furniture such as the bolted down table and chairs. Creating a different feel for their environments may …show more content…

Can we justify the causes isolation may be causing these inmates and that us forcing them through it is justifiable. Taking them away from their life, freedom, family and future is a strong punishment but force them to live in an environment we know is not optimal for human health, development and rehabilitation. We might not feel invested or that the users are worth the extra thought sometimes but we must ask ourselves as designers is that ethical? As designers for the built environment we have an ethical responsibility to design optimal environments. Ethics similar to morals may not be law but still are understood by us. Looking further into ethics I pull upon Socrates’ seven principles as interpreted by Dr. Wadleigh, with a focus on three of them. The first principle under examination is “know what you’re talking about” (Wadleigh). This principle underlines the importance that we as designers must know the effect our designs will have. On the users of the space, on the environment and on the future of our society. Looking closer as the design of a prison we must consider all sides of our ethical responsibility, looking to the future are the inmates leaving the space we designed for them