Retrograde Amnesia Movie

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The memory deficiency that I chose was amnesia. In particular I chose to focus on retrograde amnesia. Two movies that depict retrograde amnesia are Regarding Henry and The Vow.
In the movie Regarding Henry the main character Henry Turner is shot in the brain, particularly in the right frontal lobe. Although, Henry survives, he later suffers from retrograde amnesia.
Because Henry suffered from retrograde amnesia, he could not remember what happened prior to the incident. Henry often displayed coordination problems, confusion to the point where Henry could not remember to do simple tasks such as tie his shoes, dress himself, walk, process complex thoughts and information or remember the people close to him like his friends and family.
From what I have learned and read about the topic of retrograde amnesia in chapter seven of the book it states that retrograde amnesia is the loss of memories prior to an injury of the brain. The movie Regarding Henry also consistently correlates with the book’s definition of retrograde amnesia as well this one compares to what I have learned and read about retrograde amnesia.
The movie Regarding Henry also consistently correlates with what I have learned and read about chapter six and seven in the book because the director captured how and why the character was diagnosed with retrograde amnesia and how it impacted their life. The book also highlights …show more content…

I think that the movie displays an accurate depiction because it coincides with the psychology textbook by providing the same definition of what retrograde amnesia is. I think that the movie is also accurate because just like in the textbook, it explains how retrograde amnesia impacts a person’s life and it shows the structures of the brain that are linked to retrograde amnesia. The movie also goes as far as stating the frontal lobe functions and what happens when the structure becomes