Return Of The Native American Women Suicide Essay

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[Beaming.] Oh This research explores that marriage is a cause of suicide in Hedda Gabler and Return of The Native. Both the protagonists, Hedda and Eustacia, are the symbolic representation of Victorian women. In both texts, marriage is associated with money and higher social status for women. This research will analyze the reasons and consequences of marriage of Hedda Gabler and Eustacia; and will present marriage as a cause of suicide in both texts. In Victorian era, marriage has too much importance. Women didn’t get married for love or any kind of passion but for raising their social status. They maintained their image as wives and mothers. It is supposed in Victorian era that a woman should marry and her life cannot be completed without marriage.Victorian women were harshly subjected to financial and moral deprivations. They were denied to keep property for themselves. Thus, it became a compulsion on them to marry for the sake of money. Likewise, It can be said that both the protagonists, Hedda and Eustacia, are representing Victorian women. The reason behind the marriage of both the characters is their social status. Hedda marries Tessman in …show more content…

With the “Women’s Liberation” movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s, Feminism became even more powerful. Women of this movement believe, among other things, that they should be equal to men in every manner. In its present form Feminism is a dangerous and unenthusiastic approach. Actually it derision womanhood by implying that as a woman I’m not good enough and that I must be equal to a man. Men and women have equal poise in reality but only different

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