Reverse Racism And Discrimination

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Reverse racism is defined as a phenomenon in which discrimination against a dominant racial representative of the majority in a society. There are three main terms that exist when dealing with racism and “reverse racism”, these are: prejudice, discrimination, and racism. These terms are crucial to know the distinction between when referring to reverse racism because of the often confusion the line between discrimination and racism. Prejudice is defined as an irrational feeling of dislike for a person or group of persons, usually based on stereotypes. Discrimination, however, takes place the moment a person acts of prejudice. Racism is the patterns of discrimination that are accepted widespread as “normal” throughout an entire culture.

To be racist, there are two traits that are needed: privilege, an overall advantage, and power. Two things that are not commonly found in the black community. Nevertheless, these two traits are somethings that are mainly common in the white race. White privilege is prominent in situations where white women, who lack as privilege next to white men, are earning more in the workforce …show more content…

It is said that since a black person can commit an act that discriminates against a white person, reverse racism is possible. This is incorrect due to the fact that the discrimination towards white are not hindering them educationally, socially, economically, and politically. As well as the fact that black people lack the overall systematic support that will protect them when they discriminate against white people.

Finally, the term reverse racism was coined because white people were tired of having their precious, over abundant white privilege challenged. The key point is reverse racism cannot exist because racism is controlled by whatever race is holding the systematic power, and frankly right now that is white