Review Of All Shook Up: How Rock N Roll Changed America

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All Shook Up: How Rock N’ Roll Changed America, fits into the overall historical literature of the topic because the book has to deal with rock n’ roll being both politically and culturally inspired back when African Americans were still having to deal with being segregated. Altschuler talks about how the beginning of rock n’ roll was during the same time period as African Americans trying to obtain their Civil Rights. People did not want African Americans to be friends with white people because music seemed to bring teens and people of all races together. In most dance halls where African Americans played their music, white people became interested and at times would go. This was the biggest problem for the nation, African Americans becoming …show more content…

Segregation, lynching, and racism were a big part of the 1940’s and 1950’s but it was also the start of the rise of the Civil Rights movements. Important occasions such as Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka were happening at the same time that rock n’ roll was getting big. Other events that happened during this same time period were the integration of 9 African American students into the Little Rock Central High School and Martin Luther King fighting for their civil rights. Altschuler really did his job in helping the reader determine the time periods where historical events such as the Civil Rights movements and rock n’ roll were occurring. Not only does he do a great job in telling the readers the historical time period but he also showed the reader what rock n’ roll artists were advocating for their own race. People such as Nat King Cole and Antoine Domino played a big role in supporting their people and aided them by standing by their rights such as Domino who decided he would not play rock n’ roll in segregated businesses who wanted him to play …show more content…

This book was also very informative and went into great detail and complexities on speaking on rock n’ roll in America and the people that helped influence this. The most important part of the book to me was how rock n’ roll played a major role in outlining the American generation. This book gives great detail and praises people like Bruce Springsteen by stating that it wasn’t until Bruce Springsteen hit the stage that they believed there was a future for rock n’ roll. This book gives great insight on the people that also played major roles such as Bruce Springsteen like Buddy Holly who dies in a plane crash. I was very much impressed with the research done for this book and would recommend this book to all my friends and family who love rock n’ roll. This book gives you two things at once which is amazing, it takes you to a place where rock n’ roll was born but it also takes you to a place where people were fighting for their Civil Rights and it brings it together. Altschuler did an amazing job with this book and it covers many different fields which to me was