Review Of Andrew Carnegie's The Triumph Of America

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The beginning of the Gilded Age brought upon many wealthy people; one specific person was Andrew Carnegie who was particularly important at that time. Carnegie wrote, The Triumph of America, in which he describes how America has been successful in growing in many ways. In the writing Carnegie states that the U.S. has surpassed many other nations because of the freedom that it offers to its people. He says that the American citizens have the freedom to vote and regulate law; unlike other monarchy nations that restrict their people from many liberties. The economic growth, population, and labor has been successful in the United States because it allows the ability to rise to wealth and equal opportunities in the nation within its people. On the …show more content…

Everyone else has been receiving the bare minimum and have been given few opportunities to grow in the “free nation” of the United States. These views are completely different from those of Andrew Carnegie because according to him the U.S. is the place to grow economically, politically, and to be free; however, in the Populists eyes they have been given no opportunity to rise above and benefit from those liberties. They both contrast because Carnegie was wealthy, white, and male; in contrast to populist which were minorities and not rich which did not open the same opportunities. In addition, according to Populists many issues were from the failed and corrupt economics that only made the rich richer, and the rest of society would be consumers of their products. Politics also played a crucial role in the problems that Populist believed were brought upon them; for example, many if not all politicians were the wealthy that passed laws and regulations that would make their business grow and would ignore most issues that others would bring to them because that would have no financial gain if