
Review Of Be Alright By Jeff Chang

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In the personal essays in We Gon' Be Alright: Notes on Race and Resegregation Underline or italicize book titles! by Jeff chang, chang I should not have to tell you to capitalize people’s names!! informs us about his experiences and other races experiences on how they are treated based on their racial hierarchy. Chang uses characterization and conflict to show how each race is treated by white people. At the top of the racial hierarchy white’s stand meaning they are the most powerful. While the minorities try to work there way up and try to become in a higher status than they already are. Chang tackles and shows pick one different experience on different races based on their status and the way they are affected by whites. Institutional racism …show more content…

These men don’t fight back and cooperate just to get shot.”Mike had had his hands up, but still the cop had shot him dead. Ninety minutes after the shooting forensic detectives finally appeared”(Chang ,87). The man had surrendered and didn’t fight back just so the cop could shot him dead. later on the cop wasn’t charged but released for a certain time just to come back later and “protect” people. This shows how also the system doesn’t work in the minority’s favor as there is strong evidence to prove he was guilty of the shooting but wasn’t charged. The other huge problem with this is people refuse to believe there is a problem. The group who refuses to say there is a problem is the group who is not attacked which is white people. “Institutional neglect of racism and injustice is the exercise of power, the kind of power that refuses to notice and refuses to speak”(Chang ,92). Chang talks about the power there is in the system and how they refuse to say there is not a problem so they can make people think it’s not true. In reality there is a huge problem and there is not enough awareness because there is a group of people who have a lot of power and don’t want that type of awareness being raised. The justice system and police show a large amount of institutional racism and how it exist and it is there and won’t be changing

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