Review Of Finland's School Success: What Americans Keep Ignoring By Anu Partanen

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The test scores that the Americans had compared to Finland were absolutely mind blowing. The Americans are always seeming to look to Finland as to why there education system is so bad. In “Finland’s School Success: What Americans Keep Ignoring” by Anu Partanen, Pasi Sahlberg believes that education is the important thing that make people successful. Anu Partanen definably backs up Sahlberg on where he stands on education. Anu Partanen motifs and writing styles show how important the education system can really be. Partanen’s writing style is very unique. All of her paragraphs are very short and they do not let the reader go bored. She also does not use a very big vocabulary which makes it easier for readers to understand her articles which …show more content…

“And there are no private schools in Finland”. The author put this into her article because the fact that people in Finland have a way better education than the people in the United States do is truly amazing. They go to school for free in Finland. American schools compared to schools in Finland are just way different. “Finland’s success is especially intriguing because Finnish schools assign less homework and engage children in more creative play” (Partanen). This just simply amazed the author. They are giving the children more free time which in the long run will help them learn a lot better and help them adapt social skills that are needed when they grow older. Schools in the United States do not even almost compare to schools that are in Finland. Partanen seems to be always referring back to Pasi Sahlberg. He is the director of the Finnish Ministry of education’s Center for international mobility and author of the new book Finnish lessons: What Can The World Learn from Educational Change in Finland. Pasi Sahlberg is a very successful man in the education industry. When Partanen was interviewing Sahlberg he says “there are certain things nobody in America really wants to talk about”. The way America is running their education system has Sahlberg believe that they are being very competitive and it is affecting there test scored and causing them to be lower and …show more content…

She likes to say that no child should be left behind. She is also using the Finnish schools as a dream that is coming true to Finland. Partanen again is using Sahlberg because it makes her article so much stronger about what she supports. Sahlberg uses President Kennedy’s dream as an example. “When President Kennedy was making his appeal for advancing American science and technology by putting a man on the moon by the end of the 1960’s, many said it could not be done” (Sahlberg 975). Sahlberg also uses Martin Luther King Jr as an example to. Martin Luther King had a dream and he achieved it very well. Partanen uses these American figures as examples to the Americans because It will help them trigger there emotions. These people lead everyone to believe that it is okay to have a dream because you can achieve them if you put your mind to it. You have to have a great work ethic and people that surround you that will truly help you achieve those dreams. These people also help children believe that it is okay to dream about whatever they want and do whatever they