Review Of Michael Pollans The Omnivoere's Dilemma

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Michael Pollans novel up too section 3 talks about the different foods you can buy in a supermarket or a local farm, and many think that’s it. However there is one more option. Section four of Michael Pollans novel The Omnivoere’s Dilemma also discusses the oldest food chain in history; the first ever food chain; Hunter-Gatherer, also reffered to as the Do-It-Yourself-Meal. In this section Michael Pollan discusses how this is the one of the best food chain, its healthier, better for the enviornment, and it’s is actually the cheapest food chain compared to others with hidden expenses as too the actual damage it causes. Pollan decides to try out the hunter-gatherer food chain to further his research and expericene all the food chain, and doing …show more content…

“the pig was splayed open now. I could see all the organs: the blueish intestine and the spongy pink pair of lungs. I’d handled plenty of chicken guts on Joel’s farm, but this was different and more distrubing. That was probably because the pig’s internam organs looked exactly like human organs” (Pollan 243). Michael Pollan argues that the a reason people might be disturbed of this chain is because of when they do gut or ‘dress’ the animal after it is hunted and killed, people would see themselves in it because of how similar they are. “The disgust I felt was so strong I wondered how I could ever eat this animal now… some of the disgust I felt made sense. After all, part of the stench was from the waste of the pig’s intestines. But it was more than that. When we kill an animal, especially a big mammal like a pig, it cant help reminding us of our own death. The line between their bodies and ours, between their deaths and ours, is not very sharp” (Pollan 244). When he killed the pig, Pollan explained this problem, of comparing humans to the animal itself which scared him of how exactly he had managed to kill the living creature and feel pride about it and later the new emmotion emerging as he stood gutting the pig with Angelo. “However, I also knew wat made me feel bad about …show more content…

“My pig’s place in the forest would soon be taken by another pig. The morels would come up again when they needed to. The cherry tree would bear fruti again next year” (Pollan 275). Pollan explains how little damage this food chain causes, because everything in nature is replacable by everything that he ate, will grow again, or be replaced by the birth of another animal, like an on going cycle. “The fast-food meal seems cheap, but as we have seen, the costs are actually enormous . The industiral food chain costs each and everyone of us: in the government spending, in pollution, in global warming, and in our health” (Pollan 275). This explains that the costs of the industrial food chain may seem cheeper but it is still expensive and the hunter-gatherer food chain is better than that, because it doesn’t cause that much harm to the environment. “…So I kept it simple. I went around the table and spoke of each persons contribution to my foragingeducation and to this meal…I talked about hunting with Richard in Sonoma durining that first failed outing. And lastly I talked about all the many things I learned from Angelo-things about muchrooms and pigs, about nature and the arts of cooking…” (Pollan 273) Michael Pollan talks about howhe