Review Of The Omnivore's Dilemma By Michael Pollan

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Americans have been overweight ever since the early 2000’s because of the food they consume. There are four different food chains in America that link to the food we eat. In the book “The Omnivore's Dilemma” by Michael Pollan. Which fits in the nonfiction genre. Pollan announces that the food we put in our mouth is from different food chains.

There are industrial foods, they're made from machinery. Also industrial organic foods, which are foods that don’t have chemicals or pesticides. Along with local sustainable foods that don’t use GMOs and uses solar energy. Including hunter-gatherer which you basically plant and hunt for your own food. Local sustainable food chain would best feed all America because it strikes the best balance of health …show more content…

At the Polyface farm, farmers let chickens loose in the pasture. When Pollan question Slatin (the owner), Slatin simply explained: “Birds follow and clean up after herbivores”. (170) This shows that local sustainable companies such as Polyface don’t use added fertilizer. Furthermore, farmers at Polyface lets chickens go out in the pasture to get the benefit of adding nitrogen.

Pollan claimed, “After a few weeks rest, the pasture will regrow and feed the cows again”. (171) This demonstrates that farmers don’t feed food that animals aren’t recognizable to at local sustainable companies. Ultimately every food chain has a unique process to raise their animals. But locally sustainable food chains have the best way to approach their food system because they do it in a procedure that will not harm the animals. When it comes to keeping grass healthy and viable for animals to devour, local sustainable companies raise grass at it’s …show more content…

To put in the perspective grass is truly important on this earth, therefore, local sustainable companies make sure that our grass will get all its nutrients it needs in order to survive. Plus gives us the benefit of growing plants and feed other mammals. Some people might say that locally sustainable food chains take a longer time to develop food and it’s more expensive. That point is understandable for low income families but at least we're not polluting the earth, or even causing a higher possibility of the death rate in