Documentary Essay: How Cowspiracy Is Affecting The Environment

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Cowspiracy tells the audience that the enormous amount of energy, water, and land that go into dairy and cattle farming is actually feeding into gross amounts of methane gas (cow farts) produced, and that is what is killing our beloved planet. The world’s largest environmental organizations are failing to address that livestock are the single most destructive force that the planet is facing today. The documentary also investigates the policies on environmental that organizations have on the subject. The documentary states that 660 or more gallons of water are needed to produce one hamburger. In addition to keeping the livestock hydrated, the water also goes into the feed they consume. Besides the water issue, a lot of space is dedicated to farming animals, resulting in forests being torn down and used for cattle. The more trees bulldozed to make way for more cows, the less oxygen is produced and replaced by methane.
The main purpose of the documentary is to inform the viewers about why no one wants to talk or make a video about livestock degradation, the harms of it affecting the environment, the environmentalist who lost their lives because they talked about it, …show more content…

King’s mean that it is the true test of friendship and character for friends to stick up for one another and stand by each other when the going gets tough, even when it may not be publicly or politically advantageous. If so-called friend go silent during times of strife, then they are not 'truly' friends and care more about their own public image and going along with popular opinion, even when wrong, than doing what is right for the general good. True friends will be at your side during the bad times and will stand up to injustice, whether it is popular or not, if it is the right thing to do. Andersen used this quote to say how worldwide environmentalist organizations turned their backs on