The power of thoughts and feelings are so underestimated and unappreciated, yet when they are paid attention to they can change a person’s life forever. Esther Grace Earl was a sixteen year old girl who died of cancer in 2010, in a memoir titled This Star Won’t Go Out Esther’s family published her diary entries for the world to read. Little did her family know that their beloved “Estee” would cause another sixteen year old girl to bawl her eyes out at two a.m. six years after Esther’s death. Esther was not just some-girl-with-cancer she was a light, hence her nickname “Star”; although Esther was battling incurable cancer she was selfless. Esther was not angry at the world, she was not hateful; instead, she was loving, caring, compassionate, …show more content…
Love is the greatest gift of all, and the amount of love that humans are capable of giving is world changing. Esther was a sick, teenage girl battling one of the worst things humans can face, yet because she was so loving, and so loved, the horrible disease never stole her smile. If Esther Grace Earl was capable of literally smiling through the pain, it should not be so difficult for me smile when I’m the slightest bit annoyed. Esther was not perfect, but who really is? Like Esther “I wish I was a better person.” and “I try to do good things” (Earl 149). Esther always remembered to be thankful for the things she had and after reading her memoir, I am trying to be just as thankful. Esther’s memoir was filled with things which ran through her head, but mostly she recorded her feelings. I have never been good at expressing myself when I am sad or upset because anything I say turns into gibberish. Like Esther “I wish I was better at describing my feelings, because there are so many things I would like to say” (Earl 123). Even though things I record may not make sense I still write down whatever is running through my mind because after reading This Star Won’t Go Out I was reminded that it is okay to express your feelings. Because of Esther Grace Earl I am learning to be the best that I can be, while also respecting my thoughts and feelings in …show more content…
Esther was in a situation much worse than my own yet she remained cheerful despite the terrible things she faced. Reading Esther’s memoir opened my eyes to the wonderful life I have; her story was a light when I was facing things I did not understand. Before reading This Star Won’t Go Out, I thought that my life had taken a turn for the worse and I became so angry with the things that were thrown into my life. Meanwhile Esther went through so many horrible things at sixteen-years-old, and my problems were nothing compared to the things she faced. Esther’s story made me more appreciative of the things I have because when I take the time to look around at all that I have, like Esther, “I am extremely thankful” (Earl 189). Esther’s story changed everything I thought I knew about the Summer of 2016, instead of moping around I lived, loved, and had