Review: One Way Or Another, By Mary J. Williams

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One Way or Another, a contemporary romance by Mary J. Williams, is the first in the Sisters Quartet series. This series starts with Calder Benedict. She is one of four sisters born to an extremely wealthy, but flighty, socialite mother. Even though these four sisters are wealthy with trust funds, they are hardworking down-to-earth women. In this book, unspoiled blueblood Calder seems to run into an intriguing and charismatic Adam everywhere she goes. In true romance fashion, opposites attract. The attraction sizzles from their first meeting.

There is an ongoing story running alongside the main one that involves all the sisters, their four different fathers, their mother and her current lover, among others. The book ends with a bit of a cliffhanger regarding their family fortune. These sisters are …show more content…

It has a realistic story line, humor, a touch of suspense, strong independent women, oh-so-sexy men, and of course steamy romance. What is not to love. I absolutely cannot wait to read to next books, so I can see what is going to happen with the other sisters. I would have loved a little more information about the sisters though. We are introduced to them, but information was withheld too. It adds to the intrigue and makes you want to read the other book, but it frustrated me, because I wanted just a little more. This is definitely a must read.

I rate this book 3 out of 4 stars simply because of the errors in it. In chapter 12, Adam’s last name is printed as ‘Steele’ instead of ‘Stone.’ Throughout the book there are errors in punctuation. There are commas missing. Periods are missing and in a couple places, there are two periods at the end of sentences. I noticed missing words. In the Epilogue, Mary has part of the title of the omelet in italics. In fiction, there is more leniency for incomplete sentences and fragments. There seems to be an excessive amount of one and two-word sentences that made it a little more difficult to