Revolutionary War Advantages And Disadvantages

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The Revolutionary war began in 1775 and ended with the American victory over the British in 1783. It is also known as the war of independence. Americans gained their independence throughout the war after the British surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781. There were advantages and disadvantages of each side of the war. Despite the mistakes and struggles that the Americans faced, the advantages and the simple strategies they used enabled them to win the war over Britain. On the other hand, Britain overconfidence and the underestimation of the Americans are the main causes of their loss in the war. At first glance, it seems that the British armies could win the Revolutionary war. When Britain entered the war, it had two advantages; the British Isles had 11 million inhabitants that outnumbered the 2.5 colonists. Also, Britain had one of the best …show more content…

English commanders underestimated the size of the American continent and the lack of infrastructure. In other words, they had poorly map skills. They also underestimated the colonists; they did not have a logical war aim. In addition, supplying the British army was much more difficult task because they had to import the food from Britain and the British had never succeeded in blockading the American ports. Moreover, Britain suffered from national debts throughout the war. The Hessians service that they obtained during the war required money and if the British did not pay them enough, they will not fight well in the battles. Also, the biggest disadvantage for Britain is the Great Pond because it essentially negated most if not all of the advantages. In addition, although Britain won most of the battles, the number of soldiers died during the battles is much greater than that of the