Revolutionary War Pros And Cons

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1. • Were the Colonists fighting for: It is important to establish that the colonists were a constituency of varied parties maintaining different interests. The colonial elite created a reconciliation and sustained a basic consensus regarding the general aims and concerns of the colonists. However, when met with friction, the elite’s alliance proved to be rather volatile; consequently, radical colonists emerged with much potency. For this reason it is unclear if there was a distinguished common goal amongst all of the groups within the colonies. I. Liberty – The initial revolt against the crown developed with the emersion of new British taxes on commerce. The New England merchants and southern planters were the two groups most affected by these new applications, and as a result they made an alliance with the more radical colonial groups in an attempt to fight against these new British proceedings. However, it was not the intention of these two groups to create a state of discord amongst the colonists. The merchants and planters merely wanted …show more content…

However, the engagements of England were not fully unjustified. While the colonists took advantage of the protection and steady flow of commerce that England provided them with, they were participating in tax evasion which is a criminal offense even in our own society today. The colonists were complacent and unappreciative and that was partly the English government’s fault. The English unintentionally conditioned the colonists to maintain certain expectations, and when those expectations failed to match with reality the colonists became confused and angry. Put simply, the colonists were akin to spoiled petulant children, and the English were incompetent and incapable of properly employing their power over the