Reward Power Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Types of Power and leadership in Lord of the Flies
Reward power is the leading type of power because it has positive enforcement and rewards people for doing their jobs. Reward power makes people strive to do more and to get more in life to get more rewards and better rewards. Reward power allows the boss or person to use reward power to make people like him or her which will allow them to keep a hold on employees. This type of power has a direct tie to the lord of the flies and the article Power and leadership.

With a reward power, a person can force and drive people to do more and strive for more by rewarding them with good things and rewarding them for them succeeding for example ralph, unlike jack, tries to make the best of their situation …show more content…

In the article Power and Leadership, they discuss how a manager can use reward power to control an employee's emotions “A manager can use reward power to influence employees behavior, as long as the employee values the rewards.” This can be a very powerful thing because being able to control an employee's emotions allows managers to influence their employees into either doing more and better work or for example if an employee gets a demotion it can cause them to have resent towards their boss. This directly ties back to Lord of the Flies because in the book Ralph uses it to try to get the boys on his side and lift them instead of Jack, who uses it negatively by taking away and controlling the …show more content…

Coercive power has negative side effects and should be used with caution because it tends to result in negative feelings toward those who use it. (Article) While it does have negative effects, there are also some benefits to Coercive power like how it is a much stronger and more brawny way to lead. As an example, Jack in Lord of the Flies uses coercive power to keep a tight hold on the boys and be very rigorous with them and bring their spirits down where they no longer feel like retaliating and so he gains control of the boys but it causes resentment towards him. Even though coercive power has its benefits like it allows for a very strong and powerful grip on people, it has more negatives, for example, it makes the people that are having it used have resentment towards the person using it and also could lead to very bad backlash if used too