Rhetoric Reflection

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This Writing and Rhetoric I course has transformed my writing style greatly. Through this course I’ve learned to analyze and synthesize my ideas in a better way. At first, I was quite reluctant about my writing and would often think that I was not doing a good job. However, Professor Karl and this course have lead me to the right steps that I need to follow in order to become a better writer.
Subsequently, the first essay I had to write about was using Mark Edmundson’s Pay Attention! Since this was the first essay I was quite nervous about it because I was not confident with my skills. However, before I did my essay I read Chapter 20’s “A Rhetorical Guide to Research” and it helped me immensely. Chapter 20 explains how to actually use sources …show more content…

As stated in Chapter 8, the use of rhetorical features is a great way of synthesizing and analyzing ideas. Incorporating the use of pathos, logos, and ethos has taught me much about the different ways I should analyze an article when writing an essay. Furthermore, it helped me structured my essay in a different way and I believe that the use of rhetorical features will be very useful with my future assignments. For instance, when analyzing my past essays, my best work was my visual analysis because it was the assignment where I incorporated new techniques. For instance, I analyzed the two ads and went in depth to each of the ads’ meanings. I was not used to analyzing different perspectives and how images portrayed in the ads affected the overall message. Ultimately, the visual analysis assignment was my favorite …show more content…

I was not confident in my writing before, but now I am. Professor Karl taught me ways to incorporate new techniques into my writing, as well as following the proper rules required by the University. Furthermore, the textbook was a life saver, it reminded me of small details that I learned back in high school that are quite important when writing a paper. Subsequently, I will continue to practice my writing and incorporate everything that I learned throughout this course in the future. Learning never stops and I’m always open to learning new techniques that will help me become a better writer. At last, this course made me realize how much I enjoy writing. The only thing that I need to do is organize myself and analyze the text I’m working with correctly. After that, the words just come flowing