Rhetorical Analysis Essay On What I Live For

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Going through life everyday can be very banal. There are times where I am faced with the question, “ What am I living for”? “What is the purpose of my life”. I have asked this question so many times and after long night discussions with myself and the years of endless daydreaming I have found the answer. With the help of Bertrand Russell's essay What I Have Lived For, I have finally came to the conclusion of what I live for. I live for love, the kind of love I feel not only for my lover but the kind of love you feel for all people in general. I live for the future, to work for a better future than my past. Lastly, I live to make a difference, not necessarily a big difference but just to have a small impact on someone's life. Brentrand and I have many differences in what we live for.
As Bertrand Russell said in his essay,”I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy- ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours of this joy.” The difference between the kind of love I live for and the kind of love he lives for, is mine is the love for everyone, the way you care for mankind and other people's well being. His love is the …show more content…

The thought of the future gives me the drive to work hard everyday, to know that when I get home from work and collapse into my bed at 11 o'clock at night, after going to school and work for a total of 17 hours of nonstop work, that one day it will be worth it. It will pay off. All this stress, sweat, and tears will build the bridge to my success. Bertrand Russell's, second thing that he lives for is knowledge. “With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine…. a little of this, but not much, I have achieved”. The difference between us is i want to apply my knowledge to my life, knowledge is nothing if you don't use it. I want my knowledge to build my empire, to better my