Nike Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Nike is one of the most respected brands out there. "Nike is so widespread across so many apparel and footwear categories, that right now I think their biggest competition is themselves," said by Ralph Parks who is the president of the 450-store Footaction chain. He also added that, "The brand is becoming bigger than life itself." Nike has been around for over 50 years, and according the Nike website, they got their name from the Greek goddess of victory, and it is pronounced "ny'-kee." Nike, like many other companies, uses forms of elements like ethos, pathos and logos to manipulate viewers in there advertisements and commercials. Pathos is used to manipulate the viewers emotionally and uses words of emotion. Ethos, unlike pathos, is a more …show more content…

To do this, Nike appeals to the audience’s emotions by getting into your softer side by making the commercial animated and opening the audience to not only male soccer players but to everybody. The video was about 5 minutes long and it was trying to tell you a story that you can relate too. Nike uses a classic story of failure and then success type of story that many advertisements use to appeal to peoples’ pathos appeals. They also used pathos with the music in the background. When the mood changed in the video so did the music in the background to get the viewer more engaged. The music or song in the background, grasps the audience’s attention instead of a dialect only video that would take away from the action in the commercial. The audience will react to the storyline in a very positive way and feel excited to go buy the new Nike equipment to get them ready for the World Cup. Like the other commercial they used Ethos in the commercial by using famous players in the matches. In whole video the players were being showcased and were doing crazy amounts of tricks thanks to the affects of the animation. The target audience will automatically notice a specific player, if not all of them, and immediately give Nike creditability. Finally you can debate that like, in the other commercial, they used logos in the way that gave Nike products credibility because the athletes that are using their products are truly the top players of this generation, thanks to the amount of money there making to prove