
Rhetorical Analysis Of Got Meeting? Take A Walk

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Did you know, “What you're doing, right now, at this very moment, is killing you” (Merchant). As a reader, the speaker is extremely unique and deserved to be chosen to talk about this subject because she has her own personal experience and how her father died of type 2 diabetes, which is what her persuasive speech is trying to get away from and help solve the issue. The title of this speech is, Got Meeting? Take a Walk. It was presented in 2013, and the occasion is a huge corporation called, TED Talk. This speech is very special and has great meaning behind it. It talks about how good walks are for people's health, it helps them get out and not be stuck sitting down or in a building all day. This speech also talks about how it helps generate …show more content…

Ethos can be very persuasive because when the speaker is talking, it shows her credibility through what she is saying. The audience can trust that her information she is telling us is trustworthy. Ethos persuades the audience to make sure they are listening to the speaker because of the credibility she has established. It allows the audience to have more trust and belief in the speaker because she has had personal experiences and knows how effective it will be. A quote from Merchant's speech says, “Six percent for heart disease, seven percent for type 2 diabetes, which is what my father died of” (1:21). This shows ethos because she is developing credibility as she talks about her own experience of her father dying from type 2 diabetes from lack of walking and getting exercise his body needs. Another example from her speech says, “So instead of going to coffee meetings in fluorescent -lit conference room meetings, I ask people to go on a walking meeting, to tune of 20 to 30 minutes a week. It changed my life” (2:01). This also shows ethos because she is talking about her personal experience of going on walking meetings. It shows the audience credibility because she explains how it has changed her life. These pieces of evidence that Merchant uses shows an informal tone. Merchant's tone gives an opportunity to the audience to connect with …show more content…

Pathos is the speaker's emotion that they try to evoke throughout the speech. Pathos can be very persuasive because it appeals to the audience's sympathy or imagination. Pathos persuades the readers because they use certain word choice, meaningful language, and examples that help evoke that emotion towards the subject. This allows the audience to feel a certain way that the speaker wants them to feel. A quote from Merchant says, “So now, several hundred of these walking meetings later, I've learned a few things” (2:01). This shows pathos because her own experience of doing these walks herself, builds emotion with the audience because they are able to hear what challenging obstacles she went through while doing this. It pulls the audience closer into this speech when they can hear how the speaker went through this and how many different times she went on these walks. Throughout her speech she uses Diction, which is a use of specific words that help convey a better meaning. Some of these words are “killing”, “incredibly”, and “amazing”. These words help better express the emotional effect of what she is trying to get across to the

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