Rhetorical Analysis Of Ireland By Jonathan Swift

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Swift uses logic to show that we can take care of the poor children as well as raising the economic state of Ireland by using the poor children for food. He immediately discusses the issues of poor people and discusses this automatic way of solving the problem. He uses the reasoning that since these children are just a waste then we should use them so that those who can afford to eat can have them. He also uses logos in explaining all the different ways in which the children could be served using different culinary techniques. He uses ethos in how he writes his whole argument which is in the form of a satire. He talks about how through this different view of what to do with the children it could be better. He also talks about the value of using the woman for breeding; this is using ethos, because he is playing around with how beneficial it could be and how it would improve the state of Ireland. …show more content…

He uses the testimonies of those who hire workers and how they see the undocumented workers. He also discusses how if we were to legalize these workers what the next logical steps would be which would be to acknowledge who they are as people, these appeals both to ethos and logos, in that we would have to then personally realize how they are being treated. Welch uses ethos in how he is appealing to how it could affect others when he discusses what the consumers could do to improve the way these workers are