Rhetorical Analysis Of 'Op-ED' By Paul Krugman

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In this OP-ED, Paul Krugman anticipates the resignation of Microsoft’s chief executive officer, Steve Ballmer. He worked with Microsoft for more than a decade and resigned this year in February. Most of his work and efforts were directly related to the massive success of the company throughout its life. The incorporation is already doing badly due to its many competitors in the tech. market. Also, the new generation wants new things, and Microsoft has the reputation of being portrayed as “not liked” and “Old” (Par. 3). Krugman analyzes the various outcomes of the loss of Ballmer’s precious knowledge and expertise of running the company and also how this can further damage to financially unstable organization. To solidify his stance on the topic, Krugman makes use of many different rhetorical devices such as Hypophora and also through analogies or comparisons, which are seen throughout the Op-ed. …show more content…

The questions also help the reader to switch through several topics within the article. He uses those questions to further synthesize his opinion on what might happen to the company in response to the resignation of Ballmer. Krugman believes that the new CEO of Microsoft will obtain an unfair amount of power to steer the company in any direction that he wishes as there will be no deputy CEO nor will there be anyone to monitor the company. Krugman directs the readers to his opinions by using phrases like “Consider this” or “If you had” (Par. 4). He asks the readers rhetorical questions like, “So why do people not buy them?” or “Is there a policy moral here?” (Par.14). These questions compel the readers to think and understand his point of view towards the situation in a more organized