President Mandela Ictus Poem Analysis

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Did he succeed? Despite the antagonism shown towards his support for the Springboks, President Mandela stood his ground and conscientiously and boldly attended the rugby matches. He even made an effort to be familiar with all the players by trying to memorize their names and greeted them personally by their name before the matches and during practices. Little by little President Mandela’s unification effort bear its result, despite all odds and initial opposition, the black natives of South Africa soon began to show interest in the Springboks. As the team wins more and more games they continue to receive growing support from both the Afrikaners and the black natives. Finally, President Mandela proved that his instinct lead him right when the team accomplished unpredicted victory in the 1995 Rugby …show more content…

Little or completely there was no inspirational effect on my part though how articulate and eloquent was my club instructor and English teacher in reciting and paraphrasing the poem to us to explain the values defined between its lines and …show more content…

In my long years in the reserve force I observed that personal value such as patriotism is sometimes set aside by some when the issue of welfare comes into the scene, by welfare I mean reservist wellbeing, benefits and safety. The parallelism between President Mandela’s life struggles and reservist personal experiences and encounters in life as a reservist is their being steadfast, dedicated and unwavering despite the many despairs they come across in pursuing the ideals in the Reserve Force