Rhetorical Analysis Of The General Education Curriculum We Need By Mintz

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General education is a requirement for almost all colleges and universities across the United States of America. These programs were created for well-rounded education, but their approach and necessity have been called into question recently. Inside Higher Ed is a publication that aims to provide “. news, analysis and solutions for the entire higher education community” (“About”). Their mission of providing awareness and understanding to their audience, the higher education community, encourages others to succeed and change their students’ lives. The article, “The General Education Curriculum We Need,” by Steven Mintz, reimagines the general education program to align with people today. Mintz, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin, argues throughout the paper for a …show more content…

Mintz’s background with education grants him the qualifications necessary to write the article, “The General Education Curriculum We Need.” Mintz demonstrates his educational background, explaining that his “. studies of the history of childhood.” permitted him to watch as parents “. fail to recognize that children. are far more capable than we generally assume. Let’s not juvenile our college students” (33-34). Through his demonstration of his background in education, Mintz proves to the audience his ability and credibility to write and have opinions about the current general education program. Mintz does not solely rely on his education to establish his ethos, but also draws information from several reliable and trustworthy resources. Mintz derived information from “reports from Columbia, Harvard, the University of Chicago and a presidential commission.” to support his views regarding general education programs (18). The addition of dependable resources in his arguments increases the validity of Mintz’s claims throughout the