Rhetorical Analysis On Syrian Rebels

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Rhetorical Analysis The article “Arming Syrian rebels: Where the US went wrong” was written by Tara McKelvey. McKelvey is a features writer at BBC News in Washington, a senior editor at the Prospect, and a research fellow at NYU School of Law 's Center on Law and Security. Her article is an interview-based contrast that brings up the arguments that took place inside the US government lobbies concerning the Syrian crisis and how these arguments led the Obama administration to react in support of the Syrian opposition. Tara’s interview with Robert Ford, the former US ambassador to Syria, makes a strong case to fault the US decision of supporting the Syrian rebels. It was written on the occasion that the US government is modifying its strategy of supporting rebels in Syria. Tara was able to review the timeline of strategies that were implemented in reaction to the Syrian dilemma and how the US intervention turned out. The audience for …show more content…

Ford tells his side of the story in the interview. Also, she added testimonies from Bassam Barabandi, a former Syrian diplomat and co-founder of People Demand Change, Tyler Thompson, of the non-profit United for a Free Syria and Mohammed Ghanem from Syrian American Council. Finally, Tara supports her case with expert opinion; she quoted US Army Lt General, Michael Flynn, the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency as well as Steven Simon, the former senior director for the Middle East on the US National Security Council and Capt. Chris Connolly, a spokesman for the coalition task force training the rebels. The case that Tara McKelvey is making in “Arming Syrian rebels: Where the US went wrong” is well supported by facts and experts opinions. The readers can clearly conclude that the US train-and-equip program for Syrian rebels came late and was not serious enough, which led to it being