Rhetorical Analysis On William Apess

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William Apess
(1) Preaching on behalf of the Indians, who he believed had unjust laws made for them and only longed for justice and Christian fellowship, William Apess would have been _____ with the phrases “Establish justice” and “Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” which serve to ensure that all American citizens would experience fairness, moral rightness, lawfulness under the Constitution as well as ensure sure freedom and fairness continues for ourselves and every generation to come. (2) Apess’ spoke about a searing indictment of racial prejudice against people of color, particularly Native Americans, so he would respond positively to the phrase “We the People” which would unite all the citizens of the United States of America, and guarantee them the rights given under the document, regardless of ethnicity, nationality or skin color and therefore address the very strong disapproval of the way the Euro-American treated the Native people.

Henry David Thoreau
(1) Believing that if the government required people to participate in injustice by obeying …show more content…

(2) Since the phrase “Establish justice” means to “begin fairness, moral rightness, and lawfulness for all,” Douglass, being a spokesperson for freedom and equality, would be hopeful that these words would apply to the newly emancipated male slaves and guarantee them suffrage, which he had been insistently pushing