Rhetorical Analysis Speech

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Melany Sanchez SPC 2608 – Section U02 Oratorical Analysis Paper Palmer, Amanda. "The Art of Asking." TED. Feb. 2013. Lecture. Rock star, crowd funding pioneer, and TED speaker Amanda Palmer knows all about “the art of asking”. In a vehement talk that begins with her days as a street performer, she examines the new connection amongst fan and artist. In a truly mesmeric story, Palmer makes the audience more optimistic about generosity and trust by sharing her story. Amanda Palmer did not always make a living from her music. For about 5 years, after graduating from an upstanding liberal arts university, Palmer was a self-employed living statue called the “Eight-Foot Bride”. She would paint herself white, stand on a box, put a hat or a can …show more content…

By sharing personal stories and inspirational quotes, a confidence when delivering and structures to her speech, Palmer makes it diverting and pleasurable for the audience to follow along and join her story. Palmer demonstrates factors of pathos by describing her life before becoming a kick starter musician – she appeals to the audiences emotions. By conveying her speech with such confidence and proudness of who she is and her ways to life, Palmer demonstrates ethical language. Carrying out the lecture in this manner creates credibility for the spectators. Logical rhetorical language is shown within the structure of her speech – as she starts from the very beginning of her adult life. Using these oratorical languages persuades the audience that her ideas are valid. “The art of asking” - the book was the product of Amanda Palmer’s Ted talk. In the groundbreaking book, Palmer explores those barriers in her own life and in the lives of those around her, and discovers the emotional, philosophical, and practical aspects of the art of asking. She learns that she isn't alone in this, that so many people are afraid to ask for help, and that it paralyzes their lives and relationships. “The art of asking” will inspire readers to rethink their own ideas about asking, giving, art, and