Rhetorical Devices In Healthcare

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Knowing your rhetorical devices and how to use them can be extremely beneficial when arguing or reasoning with another individual. Not only does it help in your own argument but it helps you recognize and dispel the argument of whom you are having the conversation with. You can see how Mylan CEO Heather Bresh uses many separate rhetorical devices on her interview on CNBC, about the recent hike in EpiPen Prices. The interviewer, Brian Sullivan asks a straightforward question, “Just cancel the price increase, why can’t you do that?” Bresh goes on to create a bigger problem about healthcare and congress not working together. She says “The reality is, in the brand pharmaceutical market, this isn’t a Epipen issue, this isn’t a Mylan issue, this is a health care issue”. She goes on to describe how congress and healthcare provides need to work together to prevent this issue from reoccurring opposed to saying why she cannot roll back the price increase. This is also loosely creating a false dilemma, essentially she is saying, either congress can work with healthcare provides or we …show more content…

So I would say this rhetorical devise is a subtle one, but it was more than likely intentional. Obviously she agreed to come on to this show for damage control, but after watching the interview I don’t really have an answer to all of my questions, like why did you have to increase the price? She builds up a bigger issue and basically explain rapidly that the health care system in America is horrible and that politicians need to work tighter to come to solution. The target audience of this does not matter in my opinion because this rate hike has affected everyone but I do believe she is trying to persuade a crowd of induvial whom are already upset with our government, to add another reason to hate