Rhetorical Techniques In Ted Kennedy's Speech

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On August 29, 2009, President Barack Obama gave a speech at the funeral of Ted Kennedy. He spoke fondly of Kennedy in front of his family to show his gratitude for working with him. Obama and Kennedy had a very warm, and genuine relationship; one of deep mutual admiration. In his speech, Obama uses metaphors, oxymorons, and imagery to praise and memorialize the life of Ted Kennedy to the audience. Ted Kennedy was considered, by most including President Obama, the “lion of the senate.” The rhetorical device used to compare Kennedy to a lion was a metaphor. This showed Kennedy was a fierce Senator and most likely respected by everyone in the court. He was also a “veritable force of nature” in the support of health care or workers’ rights and civil rights. This shows that Kennedy was a man one would not want to mess with when his head is set on a certain topic. Kennedy was a beast and a force no matter where he was, people saw and felt that vibe when they met him. He was also thought of as the “rock of the family.” This means he helped ground and keep together the Kennedys for as long as he lived. …show more content…

Both of these devices are examples of oxymorons used to make the audience think differently, and deeper about what they are listening to. They are phrases that have a deeper meaning than just what one might interpret. For example, a happy warrior is known as a politician who is undaunted and cheerful, even when in the face of adversity. This oxymoron was used to have people be inspired by Kennedy and how he was directed by a strong, inner light. He uses the phrase “restless dreamer” to describe Kennedy as a truly great man, who achieved several good things in his