Ridgeon Meeting Mrs Dubedat Analysis

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Ridgeon was agree to meet Mrs. Dubedat because Emmy told him that Mrs. Dubedat is a good looking woman, the kind of woman that Ridgeon usually likes. Ridgeon is 51 years old, and he never married that’s why he was interesting in my meeting Mrs. Dubedat. Mrs. Dubedat husband is very sick, suffering from tuberculosis and she believes that Ridgeon is the only who can cure him. She asks Ridgeon to meet her husband and Ridgeon agrees. The reason why Ridgeon agrees is because Mrs. Dubedat told him that her husband is an artist. She told him that her husband is very good at drawing. Ridgeon want his doctor friends to go with him to meet Mr. Dubedat, but while they are there with him, they have to discuss so they could see whether Mr. Dubedat is

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