Right To Bear Arms

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Should U.S. Citizens Own Guns?

It is late at night and you are on your bed watching the television. You are in the middle of your favorite show when you hear glass breaking. At first you think it is your pet knocking over your vase, but then you hear footsteps. It seems like you are defenseless, but you remember your gun in the closet. This is a situation over 2.5 million people deal with per year. Luckily, one in three Americans own guns to protect themselves, hunt, play sports, or collect as a hobby. During the Revolutionary War, minutemen were there at a moment's notice to protect the Americans from British armies. Our Founding Fathers created the Second Amendment to protect citizens from invaders and situations like this. Today it it …show more content…

Monk considered “this second part of the Second Amendment says that the right to bear arms belongs to “the people.” Supporters of an individual right to bear arms, rather that the collective right of a state to have a militia, point out that the phrase “the people” also appears in the First, Fourth, and Ninth Amendments.” She and other scholars are arguing that the term“the people” is used in the same way in other amendments and that it is talking about individuals, rather than the state. If it is true that the Second Amendment is focused on individuals, than can that power be taken away? It is not possible to take this amendment away because it can not be “infringed.” From the “Second Amendment for Kids” they agreed that “ shall not be infringed” means “ the Second Amendment does not grant any right to bear arms. Furthermore, the rest of the Bill of Rights does not describe any right to do so. These rights are thought of as natural rights or God-given rights. In the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment is just a reminder to the government that they should not try to stop people from having this right” . This means that the amendments serve as a reminder that they can not be taken away by the government. All in all, the Second Amendment is meaningful and has many