Ripping Should Be Allowed In College

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Hi, today I want to share with you what I learned when I decided that I want to try and get big arms as fast as I could. I started my quest around six months ago and at that time I was probably just like you are now. You are sick and tired and having skinny, scrawny arms, and you are desperate to change. I was spending hours in the gym working out as hard as I could. I was also searching the Internet trying to discover how to get ripped arms and every time I thought I found a system that worked I would find out that it was a scam. I spent hundreds of dollars on supplements, shakes and eBooks and nothing worked. I was desperate to get big arms and finally look great on the beach in summer. I was so pissed off with seeing other guys getting bigger and more ripped and I was still this skinny guy. I looked in the mirror and saw a teenage boy, not a man. …show more content…

I was totally amazed, in 12 weeks this guy had gotten so ripped in such a short time! I begged him to tell me how he had managed it; I wanted to know what his secret was, how had he learned how to get ripped arms? The answer proved to be so simple that it was almost unbelievable. This guy had been given a similar piece of advice just three months earlier; there was a “secret” system floating around the Internet that guys were getting amazing results from. I just had to see this for myself, so I got the web address from my friend and headed straight over to that site. The rest, as they, is history. What I found there changed my mind on Internet products forever. There were so many amazing testimonials, so many stories of guys finally getting the body that had been searching

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