
Rita Carter Mapping The Mind Summary

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Book Report and Critique: Mapping the Mind Rita Carter

About the author:

This book was written by Rita Carter, a science and medical writer, lecturer and broadcaster who specializes on the human brain. Carter is involved in various science projects and research experiments directed at furthering public knowledge of the brain. Being the author of The Brain Book, Mapping the Mind, Exploring Consciousness, Mapping the Memory, and Multiplicity, Carter has done extensive research on the brain, consciousness, memory, and personalities. In 1999, Mapping the Mind was written to explore the biological roots and neurological differences that create individual personalities and explore the human mind at work.

Mapping the Mind charts the way humans behave and the associated culture transformed by the brain. Carter depicts how personalities reflect the biological mechanisms motivate emotion and how unique …show more content…

How they, “improve learning and memory by working with the associative nature of the brain, they make it quicker to process and easier to organize information, and enhances creativity and encourages brevity.” I found this to be extremely interesting and beneficial information, because I felt like I discovered a new learning technique. The book is very heavy on the retrieval and storage of information. I felt like the book was almost like a textbook because of its format and the illustrations and examples provided. Carter explains potential technological advancements from neuroscience. Seeing as it was the late 90’s and fMRIs and CT Scans were becoming a big deal, I see how this is a relevant topic. I feel like most of the book were her own ethical comments and judgment on neuroscience. For example, she equates romance with sexual desire, romantic love is a chemically induced madness and a terrible basis for social organization.” She believes this is true because of the increasing divorce rate in

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