Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome Of Our Era

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Is technology changing our brains for the better or for the worse? The human brain is a biological masterpiece and is the most advanced organ on the face of the planet. In Richard Restak’s essay “Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era,” he speaks about how the advancements in technology in this modern era have affected the brain’s habits and functions. Multitasking is requiring the brain to change how it functions, its organizations, and efficiency throughout day-to-day tasks and is also enabling people to do things otherwise not possible. Within the past two decades, the amount of time we spend on using technology has increased by a large amount. Furthermore, as people started using technology more and more, they were and …show more content…

This idea can be applied to things such as global corporation operation and global politics or even family communications. It is apparent with these situations, the opportunities for which tasks can be accomplished is quite literally endless.
On the other hand, people are now performing tasks (whether they are multitasking or not) at much more quickly than they used to. This might be attributed to the increased pace of life brought on partially by technology. In the future if the brain completely adapts to this quick pace and improves its multitasking efficiency, it could enable people to accomplish tasks at a much faster pace than even today.
In conclusion, the human brain has changed very much most likely due to increasing amounts of people who multitask more frequently and due to advancements in technology. There have been many effects caused by these things of which some can be viewed as positive and others may be viewed as negative effects. Regardless of this there is really not much of a way for anybody to know whether multitasking is or isn’t worth it because everybody thinks and functions differently than one