Rites Of Passage In The Book Of Hostetler

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How are the rites of passage described in the book of Hostetler and Huntington different from the rites of passage expressed in our culture today?
Describing specific circumstances of the culture rites differences the Amish community is probably the lack of freedom to choose or give the children the opportunity to understand and conceptualize their world from different points of view. This is Being solidary and respectful with the Amish community. The Amish people have been able to maintain their basic way of living till today, including their dialect, religion, traditions and rituals. At the same time, they have been able to balance their education with their necessities. For example, it was until the 1950’s, Amish communities were assisting …show more content…

The goals for Amish education is not to promote individuality and critical thinking. The goal is to teach children the worth of hard work, ethical living, and how to be a valuable member of the Amish community. Amish education does not seek to create artists, scientists, musicians or actors. These is to teach the skills that are needed to lead a useful Amish life while developing the ability to function and do business in the outside world. But it also promotes separateness from the world. Their education in founded in the responsibility of the parents, the school and the entire community acting, as always, under the influence the church. After the eighth grade, Amish education moves from the school, back into the home and community. It could be argued that Amish education does not end with the eighth grade but continues into young adulthood. Some go to work in the farm and to continue learning agricultural skills. Others might apprentice to Amish shop owners or tradesmen learning skills that will provide a living for them and their future families. In the other hand, girls go home to work with their mothers to improve their household duties and homemaking …show more content…

The Amish believe that separation from the outside world is the only road to salvation. The mission of Amish education is to prepare their children to remain Amish. In contrast, today’s education give freedom to individuals and the right to be independent as a single entity without carrying the tendencies of the community, this allows people to correct the way they are going improving new generations. And this is not only with our communities, but also with the understanding of the world and the right of freedom to be used completely without interfering with other. This brings me to a quote from Benito Juarez “El respeto al derecho ageno es la paz”. What he said is that, “by respecting the rights of others peace will be made”. Amish community searches to create a desire and making it easy for their children to leave the church is certainly not what the Amish seek in an education. Staying with their parents following the community rules of respect and their culture. And modern economic-social system has converted society into consumerism and individualism entities, this can be seen from various perspectives. One side is the development of humankind and the comprehension of the