Robert Browning Research Paper

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On May 7, 1812, Robert Browning was born. He was in the city of Camberwell, England. His mother was a well known painter and evangelical Christian. Browning father was a bank clerk. His father had many talents and lead Browning to his writing career. His father own over 6,000 books in Greek, Hebrew, Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish. His father as an artist, scholar, antiquarian, and book collector made an impact in Browning’s intelligence and learning ability. At the age of five he was reading and writing well. At the age of fourteen he learned Latin, Greek, and French. At the age of twelve he wrote Incondita; the volume of Byronic was never published. At the age of thirteen he collected all of Shelley’s works; this works held an impression in his life. Robert Browning, at an early age, was becoming a literary genius and writer. He started off being home schooled at fourteen to sixteen. While being homeschooled, He attended tutors in music, drawing, dancing, and horsemanship. Browning attended the University of London in 1828, but realizing he want to learn at his own rate he let the school. Taking his on time in his …show more content…

At fourteen his parents handed him “Mr. Shelley’s atheistical poem Queen Mab.” Shelly was a vegetarian and an Atheist. For part of Browning life he considered himself an Atheist. Atheist is a belief of denying the existence of a supreme being or beings. Throughout his poems, Browning religious view changed. Even though he would denied of being a Christian, he would have Christian perspectives in his writings. One of those perspective would be the Christian love. Browning knew the Bible well, and in his first collection of poems, he named them Bells and Pomegranates. This was a reference to the decorations on the robes of Hebrew priests. Browning was never exposing of his religion, but through his poem’s religion was