Robert Frost's Once By The Pacific

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Robert Frost is a famous American poet whose poems are known in American colloquial speech. Frost started writing poems in the late eighteenth century into the nineteenth century. In this poem it can be interpreted in many different ways; the cliff and continent being backed together against the destruction of the oncoming waves, could stand for a storm building up cross the ocean. But frost could just be displaying the ongoing destruction of waves to cliffs. In “Once by the pacific” frosts relates an experience he had. He was a child and terrified of being trapped between the harsh forces the ocean and land. His anxiety towards the ocean prompt him to express his feelings into this poem. Frost leaves the reader to wonder at the end of the poem if god has given up on humanity and uses natural forces to destroy human species. The theme of the poem is nature. Nature is talked about throughout the whole poem. Frost is describing a beach that is about to be hit by a storm and that someone better prepare for rage. He has also spoken about that this storm will not only do destruction on that night but for an age. The main emotion presented in “Once by the Pacific” is loneliness. In this poem a negative tone is expressed throughout the whole poem. …show more content…

The poem consist of a rhyme scheme being AA BB CC DD EE FF GG, the poem also consists of several other poetics devices. “And thought of doing something to the shore” and example of personification express the waves intentions. The wave’s intentions to destroy human species makes them terrifying. “The shattered water made a misty din” is a great example of imagery in the poem. A metaphor is seen in the 5th line when Frost is describing the clouds to be hairy. “Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes” is an example of a simile used in the poem. The poetic techniques used helps the reader image and understand what is happening in the poem, this has a positive effect on the