Robert Oppenheimer: The Grandfather Of The Atomic Bomb

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“The Atomic Bomb made the prospect of future war unendurable. It has led us up those last few steps to the mountain pass; and beyond there is a different country.” This statement was made by Robert Oppenheimer,”the grandfather of the Atomic Bomb”. Mr. Oppenheimer made this statement after the Atomic Bomb was dropped on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Robert Oppenheimer was clear in stating that future wars will be more advanced in conjunction with nuclear and overall warfare.
The Manhattan Project was a pivotal point in time. The Manhattan Project derived its name because there were approximately “ten different laboratories in Manhattan” that tested the splitting the atom and the creation of the Atomic Bomb. There are also some opinions that the name was derived because Robert Oppenheimer grew up on “Riverside Drive in Manhattan.” Recall the quote by Robert Oppenheimer, “that atomic bombs make future wars unendurable.” As he believed, these bombs have created an entirely new type of warfare. The Atomic Bomb helped the United States, and many other countries, learn and understand out how to use the atom as a weapon and resource for future warfare uses.
Despite the innovation of the Atomic Bomb, and its critical part in helping the Allies win World War II, “the Atomic Bomb eventually became less effective and somewhat …show more content…

These institutions helped with the research and production of the Atomic Bomb. One of these institutions is our very own University of Chicago. The University of Chicago helped with the Manhattan Project, and conducted most of the testing and research of the Atomic Bomb in the United States at its facilities. The University of Chicago also researches and tests post-war uses of atomic energy by making nuclear power generators that could electrically power the City of

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