Robert Owen Research Paper

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Robert Owen was a social activist whom wanted to create the perfect society. Termed the “father of British socialism” Owen had his eyes set on the “New Land” across the pond…America. He felt that the states offered great opportunity for is dream to blossom, he was going to build a utopian community and change the way everybody viewed Socialism. Robert was the second youngest in a large family, Born in 1771 in England he began working at age of ten. He was lucky to begin an apprenticeship with a successful merchant whom allowed Robert amble time to study and read. “Through is study, Owen came to reject Christianity in favor of a more rational philosophy that included a belief in the need for social reform” ( The Prospering business of textile manufacturing got the attention of Robert, and at only 19, he took out a loan to set up his own manufacturing business. Not too shortly, after running his own business, he was offered a job managing a large spinning factory where he …show more content…

The working condition for the average laborer was dismal with long hour for little pay. Robert sought to bring a change to this social norm and improve the lives of the working man and women. After his marriage to wife Caroline Dale, the daughter of a prominent businessman, Robert arranges to buy a huge textile mill from his father in law. He entered this new venture very optimistic looking forward to implementing his new social change and bring for the promise of a “Utopian Society.” “What ideas individuals may attach to the term “Millennium” I know not; but I know that society may be formed so as to exist without crime, without poverty, with health greatly improved, with little, if any misery, and with intelligence and happiness increased a hundredfold; and no obstacle whatsoever intervenes at this moment except ignorance to prevent such a state of society from becoming universal.” -Robert

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