Robert Socolow And Stephen Pacala's A Plan To Keep Carbon On Check

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With the growing number of humans and animal life, comes the increasing number of homes, buildings, crops, transportation, etc. As the need for these essential items rise, so does its concerning effects on our world due to climate change. According to Robert Socolow and Stephen Pacala’s article, “A Plan to Keep Carbon on Check,” due to human activities, we the people are the cause for the abundance amount of carbon dioxide released into the air annually (2006). Socolow and Pacala, go on to discuss that at the rate emissions are growing our world is in trouble and need to act now. By making changes and committing to fixing the next 50 years, we can cut our emissions in half over that time (Pacala and Socolow, 2006). The article gives numerous suggestions with outcomes that can be done all over the world and by just about everyone. The types of changes however come at a cost or time we may or may not have. …show more content…

Both articles mention that currently we expel about 375 ppm, but the goal is to get it down to at least 280 ppm (2004). How so? With five different categories made up of 15 suggestive wedge triangles, when accomplished will reduce emissions by one wedge or various ppm emissions. Those wedge categories include efficiency and conservation, power generation, carbon capture and storage, alternative energy sources, and agriculture and forestry. Of the 15 wedges constructed from these categories, eight of them will be

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