
Robin Hood Research Paper

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In this paper I am going to answer four questions. All of the questions are about Robin Hood and

how he went through of each of these tasks. In my opinion I think Robin is a good person, but

other people may not. All Robin wanted to do was help the poor people in the town he lived at.

The author of this book is Howard Pyle. This book is a mixture of stories and tales of Robin

Hood and what he did for the people of his land. So I am going to tell you what I think of Robin

Hood and also what other people thought about him. The merry adventures of Robin Hood is a

book that is written by Howard Pyle and was published in 2009.

The first question that I have to answer is, was Robin Hood a true follower of Christ or

just another do-gooder? …show more content…

The next question that needs to be answered is what made people like Robin Hood so

much? The poor liked Robin more than the rich people liked him. The reason the poor people

liked him so much was because he stole from the rich and would give it to the poor people. The

rich people not so much because that is who he would steal from. He did this because he thought

the rich did not deserve their money. He thought that they did not work for it and it was given to

them. That is why he would steal from them to give to the poor because he thought the poor

deserved the money more than the rich. In all cases this is not true some people that are rich

actually worked for it. And some people that are poor lost all their money because they could not

control themselves. In my opinion what Robin was doing was wrong but in his eyes he thought

he was doing right. In Ephesians 4:28 it says He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he

must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to …show more content…

In America we defend

our freedom by fighting in the army. We do this because we do not want our freedom taken from

us. We do all that we can to defend our country because we do to want someone to take away

our freedom and the way we live . The is what Robin Hood was doing, he did whatever he had to

do to stay a free man. That is one of the biggest lessons that I learned.


The other lesson that I learned from Robin Hood is when you are wronged do something

about it. Whenever someone would cross Robin or any of his men he would either fight them or

kill them. He did this because he did not put up with any disrespect. No-one should put up with

any disrespect but there are some people who do put up with disrespect. And they should not

they should do something about it, not as extreme as Robin Hood did but talk to them and tell

them they need to stop and if they don't then you should probably fight them so they stop. Or you

could be disrespectful to them as well and see how they like it. Although what the bible says

does not go with what I am saying that is what I would do. Romans 12:2 says do not

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