Robotic Arm Essay

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Simulation of Robotic Arm for Spine Surgery Based on Pre-Operative Planning
U. Saranya1, A.N. Nithyaa2 1, 2
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai
Abstract: Disc prolapsed is the disorder in vertebrae which affects the spinal cord passing through it. It commonly occurs in lumbosacral region, which entraps the spine nerve at that point. Any damage to the motor and sensory nerve at that point has a direct effect on that particular organ connected with that ascending and descending tract. Disc prolapsed in thoracic region lead either to nerve root irritation or cord compression and it needs immediate surgery to cut away the disc lesion. …show more content…

The mechanical systems can be modeled with a suite of tools to specify bodies and their mass properties, possible motions, kinematic constraints, and coordinate systems. To get the dynamic model of the robot the following blocks related to CAD model are used. Revolute joint represents one rotational degree of freedom. The follower body rotates relative to the base body about a single rotational axis going through collected body coordinate system origins. Sensor actuator ports are added to the joint. Body replaces fixed rigid bodies among which the degrees of freedom are added. Joint actuator actuates a joint permitive with generalized force, torque or linear, angular position, velocity, and acceleration motion signals. Joint sensor measures linear, angular position, velocity, acceleration, computed force, torque of the joint primitive. Body sensor measures the motion of the body coordinate system to which the sensor is connected. This also measures any combination of translational position, velocity and angular acceleration. Scopes are connected to the joint sensors and body sensor. Blocks connected according to the physical model and control model of the robotic arm is