Roe Vs Wade Essay

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Roe vs. Wade was a decision made by the supreme court. In June 1969 a woman by the name of Norma L. Mccorvey from Dallas ,Texas found that she was pregnant with her third child. Norma wanted to have an abortion but according to Texas law on abortion it was only legal if a women was raped or the baby was incest. Supreme court appealed Roe vs. Wade case in 1070. But the case was delayed and also a case that was closely related. In 1973 the Supreme Court made a decision on which state laws made it illegal for a women to have an abortion up to three months of pregnancy should be left up to the women and her doctor to decide. Every year around the decision. Opponents of abortion march up to the Constitutional Avenue to the supreme court in Washington …show more content…

In the state of Texas he went on to attempted the defense of the state’s legal concern for the fetus and had given reasons of why the state had believed that there was life from the moment of conception, he had responded that there were unanswered questions in that field when he was questioned on the state beliefs. Majority of the court’s opinions was based on woman’s personal right to privacy and choice. It was said that a woman should have whatever power to decide all aspects of the future. Including the termination of her pregnancy. Because of this reason the court chose to side step the fundamental responsibilities of the mother for her baby. Since then America has paved the way for nations around the world in legalization of abortion. In 1973, a federal law was passed to prevent foreign organization from using the United States tax payer money to pay for abortions. For Wade the state duty is protecting parental life. Wade believed that unborn are people. And is entitled to be protected under the constitution, but for roe it is improper for a state to make a decision for a woman to terminate her pregnancy. Court held that a woman right to privacy was to be protected by the fourteenth amendment. The decision that was made gave women total autonomy over her pregnancy during the first

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